快速提供基于ELISA的OMV定量作为我们流行的ExoELISA ULTRA试剂盒的补充,ExoELISA ULTRA-GroEL试剂盒作为第一个也是唯一一个易于定量和表征大肠杆菌OMV的试剂盒提供给用户,具有最高的OMV检测灵敏度-低至0.5µg蛋白质当量-总检测时间仅为4小时。
配置用于检测大肠杆菌OMV,选择OMV相关分子伴侣热休克蛋白(GroEL)作为细菌OMV标记物1-4。ExoELISA ULTRA GroEL检测法基于超灵敏的直接捕获比色ELISA,该ELISA与通过常见OMV分离方法从大肠杆菌培养物中分离的OMV兼容。为了能够定量目标样本中携带GroEL的OMV,该试剂盒包括一个内标,该内标针对用不同OMV分离方法分离的OMV进行了校准,这些OMV已通过纳米粒子追踪分析(NTA)进行了分析。预计该检测方法也适用于源自志贺氏痢疾杆菌和沙门氏菌的OMV。
The first and only kit for easy quantitation and characterization of bacterial outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) isolated from E. coli. Quickly quantify E. coli OMVs using GroEL detection with this sensitive ELISA-based assay suitable for common OMV isolation methods.
1.Sensitive - detect as little as 0.5 µg protein equivalent
2.Fast - complete in less than 4-hours; no more overnight incubation
3.Flexible - compatible with common OMV isolation methods (e.g. ExoBacteriaTM OMV Isolation Kit, ultracentrifugation) from E.coli culture
4.Quantitative - calibrated internal standards enable quantitation of OMVs carrying GroEL
5.Sample-saving - requires significantly low sample amount, leaving more for other downstream applications
Exo-ELISA-ULTRA GroEL Standard Curve (标准曲线)