This kit provides everything required to isolate and purify inclusion body proteins from induced bacterial cultures. First a proprietary Cell Lysis Reagent is used to selectively lyse the cells and release inclusion bodies in their solid form. Next, inclusion bodies are dissolved and their contents released using the provided IB Solubilization Reagent. Inclusion body proteins are then further purified using spin columns for rapid and convenient buffer exchange and desalting. The procedure is efficient and streamlined and can process up to 12 samples in approximately 2 hours. Each spin column is able to recover up to 12 mg of acidic or basic proteins from 100 mL of induced bacterial culture. Purified recombinant proteins are then ready for SDS-PAGE, 2D gels, Western blots, Mass Spectrometry analysis, and other applications.
Cell Lysis Reagent和IB Solubilization Reagent储存在4°C。所有其他未开封的溶液应在室温下储存。一旦打开,溶液应储存在4°C,除了碱性和酸性结合缓冲液,应在室温下储存。具体保存情况收到产品后请按说明书存放。