含20%乳糖,2%钙,1.25%磷及2.2IU/g维生素D3纯化鼠粮 ( Modified AIN-76A Purified Rodent Diet with 20% Lactose, 2% Ca,1.25% P and 2.2IU/g Vitamin D3),Dyets公司,货号:D190325
氨基酸鼠粮,不含精氨酸(L-Amino Acid Rodent Diet without L-Arginine),Dyets公司,货号:LAA-0Arg
氨基酸鼠粮,含3%精氨酸(L-Amino Acid Rodent Diet with 3% L-Arginine),Dyets公司,货号:LAA-3Arg
高脂(48 kcal%)低蛋白(10 kcal%)纯化鼠粮(High Fat (48 kcal%) Low Protein (10 kcal%) Purified Rodent Diet),Dyets公司,货号:D190401
复合矿物质 (Salt Mixture),Dyets公司,货号:200001
AIN-76A纯化鼠粮,含蛋清蛋白 (Egg White Based AIN-76A Purified Rodent Diet),Dyets公司,货号:AIN76A-EW
铁缺乏AIN-76A纯化鼠粮(Egg White Based AIN-76A Purified Rodent Diet without Added Fe),Dyets公司,货号:AIN76A-0Fe
铁、锌缺乏AIN-76A纯化鼠粮(Egg White Based AIN-76A Purified Rodent Diet without Added Fe or Zn),Dyets公司,货号:AIN76A-0FeZn
锌缺乏AIN-76A纯化鼠粮(Egg White Based AIN-76A Purified Rodent Diet without Added Zn),Dyets公司,货号:AIN76A-0Zn
镁缺乏AIN-76A纯化鼠粮(Egg White Based AIN-76A Purified Rodent Diet without Added Mg),Dyets公司,货号:AIN76A-0Mg
AIN-93G纯化鼠粮,不含纤维素 (Modified AIN-93G Purified Rodent Diet without Cellulose),Dyets公司,货号:D190416
CDAA鼠粮,含0.2%胆固醇(Choline Deficient and Iron Supplemented L-Amino Acid Rodent Diet with added 0.2% Cholesterol),Dyets公司,货号:D190418
45 kcal%脂肪(起酥油)热量高脂鼠粮 (45 kcal% Fat (Shortening) Purified Rodent Diet),Dyets公司,货号:HF45-Shortening
低蛋氨酸和胆碱缺乏低脂(10 kcal%)鼠粮(L-Amino Acid Rodent Diets With 10 kcal% Fat With Low Methionine and No added Choline),Dyets公司,货号:CDALF10
氨基酸高脂(46 kcal%)鼠粮(L-Amino Acid Rodent Diets With 46 kcal% Fat),Dyets公司,货号:AHF46