biovisionK502-100live/dead cell staining kit, live/dead cell detection kit, live/dead cell staining, live/dead cell detection, live/dead cell staining solution, live/dead cell detection solution, live/dead cell staining assay, live/dead cell detection assay, live/dead cell staining reagent, live/dead cell detection reagent, July-AK-15 ? Detection method- Fluorescent microscopy or FACS analysis (Ex/Em 485/530 nm) to detect stained live cells; (Ex/Em 495/635) to detect stained dead cells ? Species reactivity- Mammalian ? Applications- Stained live and dead cells can easily be visualized by fluorescence microscopy or FACS analysis. ? Screening/studying/characterization of stimulators/inhibitors that affect cell viability.·??? Adherent cells or suspension cells
biovisionK501-100live/dead cell staining kit, live/dead cell detection kit, live/dead cell staining, live/dead cell detection, live/dead cell staining solution, live/dead cell detection solution, live/dead cell staining assay, live/dead cell detection assay, live/dead cell staining reagent, live/dead cell detection reagent ? Detection method- Fluorescent microscopy (Ex/Em 488/518 nm) to detect staines live cells; (Ex/Em 488/615) to detect stained dead cells ? Species reactivity- Mammalian ? Applications- Stained live and dead cells can easily be visualized by fluorescence microscopy. Cell cultures (adherent and suspension cells)
biovisionK269-500mammalian cell extraction kit, mammalian cell extraction, extract proteins from mammalian cells, extract proteins from mammalian tisues, protein extraction kit, mammalian tissue extraction kit? Species reactivity- Mammalian ? Applications- Enzyme activity assays (e.g., caspase activity assays), Western blot analysis, and others.Cell cultures (adherent and suspension), fresh and frozen tissues