氨基酸鼠粮 (L-Amino Acid Rodent Diet),Dyets公司,货号:LAA
氨基酸鼠粮,亮氨酸缺乏 (L-Amino Acid Rodent Diet without Leucine),Dyets公司,货号:LAA-Leu
氨基酸鼠粮,含6g/kg 亮氨酸 (L-Amino Acid Rodent Diet with 6g/kg Leucine),Dyets公司,货号:LAA-Leu2
氨基酸鼠粮,亮氨酸加倍 (L-Amino Acid Rodent Diet with 2X Leucine),Dyets公司,货号:LAA-Leu3
含0.2%腺嘌呤及0.25%盐酸盐乙胺丁醇AIN-93G纯化鼠粮(AIN-93G Purified Rodent Diet with 0.2% Adenine and 0.25% Ethambutol HCl),Dyets公司,货号:D190617
高脂(30%)高胆固醇(0.1%)纯化鼠粮(High Fat (30%) High Cholesterol (0.1%) Purified Rodent Diet),Dyets公司,货号:D190627
高脂高胆固醇鼠粮(Rodent Chow with 19% Lard and 2% Cholesterol),Dyets公司,货号:D190701
高脂高胆固醇鼠粮(Rodent Chow with 10% Lard,10% Egg Yolk and 1% Cholesterol),Dyets公司,货号:D190630
AIN-93G纯化鼠粮,含0.2% 3,3-二甲基丙烯酸 (AIN-93G Purified Rodent Diet with 0.2% 3,3-Dimethylacrylic Acid),Dyets公司,货号:D190708
60 kcal%脂肪热量高脂鼠粮,含0.2% 3,3-二甲基丙烯酸,Dyets公司,货号:D190709
低脂低蛋白低维生素纯化鼠粮(Low Fat (2.4%) Low Protein (8.6%) Low Vitamin (50%) Purified Rodent Diet),Dyets公司,货号:D190714
氨基酸鼠粮,不含叶酸及纤维素(L-Amino Acid Rodent Diet without Added Folic Acid or Cellulose),Dyets公司,货号:D190715
低脂低蛋白纯化鼠粮(Low Fat (2.4%) Low Protein (8.6%) Purified Rodent Diet),Dyets公司,货号:D190719